

    With only a week left of winter, it’s time to think about stepping outside into warmer, longer days. While much of the cold weather is over, Spring is also a time when unexpected sickness can send us back into hibernation. So how do we ease out of Winter lock-down? Drink plenty of fluids. Warm or... View Post

    We’ve long known that calcium is an important mineral for strong bones, but that’s not the end of the story.Boron, silica and magnesium are some of the more important minerals for healthy bones. Silica found in oats promotes healthy teeth, bone, hair and nails. Magnesium is abundant in dark green... View Post
  • Feeling Hot, hot, hot

    Hot drinks hold a special place in our hearts. Heat improves digestion by lubricating food on the way down. It hydrates, just like cool water, but less energy is required to heat it up to body temperature. Ingesting warm food & drinks is calming, just like taking a warm bath as it opens up bl... View Post