Winter might not be the time of year when you’re thinking of juices. You want warm, comfy food that will give you a hug from the inside. But this is the season that fresh juices come into their own.As the winds turn cold (it’s an early ski season this year), our natural barriers like skin and muc... View Post
Shots are strong, concentrated and very therapeutic. They help achieve desired health goals with punchy nutrients that aren’t usually included in other drinks e.g. fresh ginger, cayenne, turmeric. Some ingredients are strongly heating, some are quite sour, and others bite back. They don’t assimil... View Post
Stress is a natural response. Short-term stress drives blood to our skeletal and heart muscles so we can fight or flee. However long-term stress is undoubtedly detrimental by suppressing our immunity, digestion and reproductive health. We can’t avoid stress, but we can help our bodies handle it b... View Post